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企业等级: 普通会员
所在地区: 北京 北京
联系卖家:    QQ在线咨询768784707
公司官网: www.slreactor.c...


发布时间:2009-07-30 06:51:14        

  在生产过程中严格执行产品制造要求,建立了一套完整的质量管理体系,使产品质量具有可靠的保证。已取得ISO9001:2000国际质量管理体系认证。 我们森朗人始终奉行“敬业、务实、竞优、拼搏”的敬业精神。不断完善企业生产和经营管理体系,为用户提供可靠的产品质量、适宜的价格、完善的***服务,产品终生维修,以优质的产品,为大专院校、科研院所、医药化工、冶金矿山、食品加工、石油勘探和***卫生等单位服务。为广大客户提供完善的***服务,做到即需即到、尽心尽力、服务***,努力以更完善的***服务和过硬的技术支持,回报社会,回报客户,并将与广大客户及业界同仁携手共进,共享成功。

                   Beijing,China Senlang Century  experimental equipment Co., Ltd.

        Beijing,China Senlang Century  experimental equipment Co., Ltd.  is a research, development, production, sales and the size of the development of biotechnology as a whole, has an independent legal personality of the integrated companies. The company has independent design department and technology department, the Department of the professional design tailor-made to customers own project is more suitable experimental apparatus and equipment. For example: high temperature and high pressure experimental reactor, glass reactor folder dwelling size, high temperature cycle, etc., and Technology has a six-member senior electrical engineer, more than 20 high-tech employees. On many occasi*** and major instituti*** and research institutes-depth cooperation, high-quality materials, with multi-precision processing equipment, advanced production technology and testing equipment, but also the adoption of high-tech home and abroad to produce high-quality products and the use of the product provide an excellent after-sales service.
  Channels for the Company a wide range of strength, technical proficiency, professional support. Distribution company: glass reactor, high pressure reactor, low temperature thermostat bath, c***tant temperature circulator, low temperature cooling liquid circulating pump, particle strength meter, Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump, Tap density, rotation evaporator, circulating water pump more , electronic scales, ultrasonic cleaning machines, a number of significant oil bath temperature pot / water pot, snow ice machine, ice making machine, industrial ice-making machine, c***tant temperature and humidity box, microscope, Ma fluoride furnace, mold incubator, Health of incubator, c***tant temperature incubator, vacuum oven, blast oven, Clean Benches, Biological Safety Cabinet, magnetic stirrer, centrifuge, ultrasonic cell pulverizer, ultra-pure water machines, autocl***es, laboratory various beaker, Bio-Rad power supply, test-bed, high-altitude low-temperature circulation pump, pesticide Tachometer, UV analyzers, liquid machine, PCR device, liquid chromatography, weather chromatograph, total acidity / PH, the spectrophotometer, ultra-low temperature refrigerators, c***tant-current pump, auto parts collector; and other products.
   In the production process demands strict enforcement of product manufacturing to establish a complete set of quality management system, reliable product quality assurance. Has been achieved ISO9001: 2000 international quality management system certification.Senlang people always adhere to the "professional, pragmatic, and competing priorities, hard" professionali***. C***tantly improve the production and management system, to provide users with reliable product quality, suitable price and perfect after-sales service, product life-long maintenance, high quality products for the tertiary instituti***, research institutes, pharmaceutical chemical, metallurgical and mining, food processing, oil exploration and medical and health services and other units. To provide our clients with comprehensive after-sales service, so that takes that into account, to be dedicated, professional service and strive to better after-sales service and strong technical support, back to society, return customers, and with the customers and industry colleagues to work together, share success.

电 话:010-82833118 /83251850/83251851
传 真:010-86862050
网 址:http://www.zecun17.com    WWW.SJSL17.COM
邮 箱:zecun17@163.com   sjsl17@163.com

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